Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bugs Are My Friends

Current weight: 8 pounds 12.5 ounces! This was enough of a weight gain that we no longer have to be seen by the lactation consultant! Hooray! This is a funny picture of Baby. She seems to like having her mouth hanging open. When people see her in the store or any other place, the first thing they say is, "Look at her eyes! They're so big!" They haven't gotten a good look at her mouth hangin open!"

Last night my dear Child #4 found a caterpillar in a bucket and saved its life. Or did he? They spent some time watching movies together, until I heard sobbing coming from the couch. "My caterpillar is stuck in the couch! Wah!" Oh, what a nasty thought, a caterpillar squished in the cracks of the couch! Ew! Luckily he climbed out on his own (or was rediscovered NOT stuck in the couch, I'm not sure) and the two were reunited. You can see the caterpillar by his thumb in the picture.

I insisted he keep any pet bugs in a bug box after this, so apparently, Child #4 slept with his caterpillar last night. Again, I'm just going off what his dad told me, Child #4 told me he kept them on the shelf next to his bed.

These two have been little buddies out in the backyard searching for bugs. They were discovered taking apart their dad's rock wall today and will suffer the consequences when he finds out! Was a beetle worth it? We will find out. Moments before I took this picture, Child #5 was kissing her brother and making him mad. He was yelling right in her face, "Stop kissing me! If you don't, I'll get you!!" and then he leaned over and kissed her! When the giggling stopped they sat next to each other so I could take the picture. I commented, "Isn't it nice to have such a great friend?" to which Child #4 responded, "Bugs are my friends."