Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sleep Styles

Each one of my children is incredibly unique in their sleep style/personality. AC #1 likes to stay up late and sleep in. Child #2 is a chronic early waker and leaps out of bed a millisecond before her alarm goes off. Child #3 sleeps deep, long, and late, although as a baby he woke up at least five times per night.

Child #4 is up early no matter what time he goes to bed. Consequently, he sometimes falls asleep on the couch in the afternoon which causes him once again to stay up too late. This is how DH found him yesterday afternoon. Child #5 claims to have been "nugglin," or snuggling, her brother- not tormenting him. Child #4 would wake up long enough to holler at his sister to get off, but he was too tired to enforce his request. Child #5 sleeps when she is tired; she is in the transition between naps and no naps.

Yesterday I learned about Baby's sleeping personality. After two days of getting her to sleep, putting her down, and having her wake right up again, I figured out that she prefers to sleep on her tummy. She slept for hours in the cradle her Grandpa built (for me when I was a baby!) under the blanket her Great Grandmother (aka Nana) knit for her. I was able to accomplish many wonderful things for my family while she slept. As the Flylady says, "Nothing says I love you like a pair of clean underwear!"