Monday, January 12, 2009

Instinct in the Jungle

Does this fuzzy face scare you?
Shere Khan here scared F today in the kitchen. She wanted me, but couldn't muster up the courage to crawl past the beast. She would start to crawl, look at the tiger, and stop. Then she would try to get to me again and stop again. Until she started to cry. How could she possibly know that tigers eat babies? She has never witnessed any baby-eating. And no one has ever played eat-the-baby with the stuffed tiger either. (Notice the ear on the tiger has been chewed off. Aparantly, My Pathetic Doberman thought it was real too.)

Yesterday we had a pile-up in the living room, in honor of my birthday. Can you see me at the bottom of the stack? I turned 32, so now I can say I am in my early-to-mid-thirties. But I still get looks when I mention I have a daughter in college. When will I look old enough to have old kids? M made my coffee, breakfast, lunch, and watched the kids while I went fabric shopping. A made a gourmet meal for dinner (with her dad's help): Blackened Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon with a hollandaise sauce made from scratch, steamed asparagus, roasted potatoes, and breadsticks. For dessert she made a chocolate brownie pistachio torte. Delicious! L came over to help us eat all the good food. It was the best birthday I've had in a long time.

My favorite present was from F. She took her first two steps! She's on her way to becoming a Walkie-Talkie!