Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Real Reason We Cloth Diaper

The cloth diapers one can get today are soooooooooo SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! This turquoise leopard print AIO (all in one) is just too cute. I sewed six diapers this weekend too that are simply adorable.

And check out this pair of bean counters: We had counting pairs on the schedule this week. I had the brilliant idea of having them match all the pairs of shoes by the front door and putting them away on our shoe rack (thus eliminating one more chore). Then they counted by 2's to find out how many shoes we had. We had 18 pairs of shoes, not counting the shoes that had no pairs. After shoe counting we moved on to beans and pennies. They learned that an even number can be split into pairs and an odd number has one left over.

E noticed, as I was writing this, that there were no pictures of her. So I took this picture of her after F walked to her. E says, "I'm as boo as a booberry!"