Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What a Nightmare!

So I mentioned nightmares yesterday. S woke up in the middle of the night, sobbing in his bed. M tried to talk to him, but could make any sense of what he was saying. Later he started crying again. I went to S this time, sent him potty, and tucked him back in. He fell asleep only to wake and cry again. He was talking to me, but not making any sense. This happened for about two hours on Monday night. Tuesday morning he had no memory of what had happened. But he was so tired and had dark circles under his eyes. That afternoon, S put himself down for a nap and slept through Taekwondo. When a child puts himself down for a nap, you know something is wrong!!! Tuesday night, he understandably stayed up past his bedtime and we sent him to bed, wide awake, at ten o'clock. We have no idea what time he finally fell asleep last night. Or what time he woke up. But we do know that he came into our room crying at 6:15 this morning, saying that he had been alone long enough. School today was rough. He cried because I told him how to spell Wednesday. I am so so so glad that he was home with me today. I'm so glad I could keep his lessons very short. I'm glad he could take a time out on the couch to gather himself together before re-spelling Wednesday, this time by himself. He had to take another nap today, this one being three hours long. I'm glad he could take a nap in his own bed instead of a nurse's office. [On a funny note, when he woke up, he was screaming. Not in fear. But in joy. Obnoxious, boyish, happy joy.] I'm glad that we are able to finish his school work now after dinner instead of having the stress of being behind his peers. But, I hope we get to bed at a decent hour tonight!