Thursday, May 14, 2009

Moving and Moving Fast!

Here it is, only Thursday, and we are on the fast track to getting out of here! We had a Real Estate Agent come over this afternoon to help us decide what to focus on as far as fixing up goes. He is the same guy that helped us buy this house, so we were pleased when he noticed how much nicer we've made the place. M, my OCD husband, is in his gotta-get-things-done mode and is DRIVING ME INSANE. He is taking a van load of our possessions to Twin Firs TODAY and I will be without a vehicle all weekend. IJ has to miss soccer unless someone can come over tomorrow to watch the kids that I can't fit into our commuter car. Next week our septic system will be inspected and we will continue to get rid of stuff (why didn't we get rid of it a long time ago?) and clean, clean, clean. I feel sorry for my kids because they won't be allowed to play the way they are used to playing. And their schoolwork will be terribly neglected. Which is fine by me!