Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Great Seymour Day

But this was the best!  Our dear dear friends, the J Family, came all the long way down here to enjoy the day with us!

These boys look like they're lookin' for trouble!
The leaders were brave, brave people taking 15 kids out in a canoe (in the pouring rain) all by themselves.
Watching them paddle away around the point into the bay was the hardest part for me.  Until after lunch.  Then this was the hardest part:
This is a 37 foot climbing wall.  See the child in the red helmet?  That one is mine.  Which child?  Let's get a closer look...after they reached the top:
Can you see HER now?  Yes, that is E!  Freshly four years old and out-climbing her older brothers!  No fear whatsoever!  Um, scary!  She absolutely loved climbing the wall, all the way to the top.
And when she headed back to me, she said "See Mom?  I told ya I could do it!"  And she got right back in line to climb the wall again.
Anyone who knows S knows how competitive he is.  He couldn't be out-climbed by his little sister! Red helmet is E, blue helmet is S.  They stayed about even:
And at this point, S decided he had had enough and came back down.  E finished at the top one more time.

After our exciting day at Camp Seymour, our friends came back to Twin Firs for a Valentine's Day party complete with cookies, candy, and Pokemon card trading.  What a great day!  And what a great day to end a week!