Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valhalla on Earth

What another great day!  I had to take a quick (as in 45 minute) trip to the market to pick up some milk and when I got back my kids were watching TV!  Ack!  Curious George is cute and all, but TV while the sun is shining?  And on a school day?

I immediately turned it off.  And the kids came running asking if they could build boats just like Curious George and go float them in the pond.  I was so not prepared for this (TV inspiring learning?).  So after asking a lot of questions about how his boat was made and how they planned to make their boats, I said YES.  As long as the boats were Viking Longships.  And they were sending warriors that had fallen in battle to Valhalla.  IJ started to groan.  "Don't you see?  If we make boats and pretend they are Viking boats, then we are doing school work.  History!  If we just make boats and go have fun, this is your playtime and I'll make you do history later!"  He saw my point.
We cut up a 2-liter bottle and an empty milk carton, slapped together some PB&J, and headed down to the pond. 
And raced boats through the culvert (much like Winnie-the-Pooh and his pine cones).
 And had a picnic.
Celebrate the Boy
And got some Vitamin D. 
These kids are covered in goose bumps!  They thought they were going to go swimming.  Until they got about knee deep and changed their minds!
Even M came down.  Doesn't he look like he is posing for some Woodsman Magazine?  Hubba-hubba!
The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging in the pasture on a blanket in the sun, climbing the cherry tree, kicking the soccer ball, and tossing the baseball.  This is going to be a great week!