Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A New Week, A New Schedule

The schools have Mid-Winter break all week down here.  Which means that all kid-related activities are canceled!  No YMCA, no Scouts, and no Pioneer Club.  I noticed that the school up there in our old hometown had a long weekend for Mid-Winter break that included President's Day...not much of a break, but I always thought have a week off from school less than two months after Christmas and less than two months before Easter (I mean Spring) break was stupid.  Especially down here where the rich people live.  I thought it was designed for the rich people to take a week to go skiing one last time before the snow melted.  And this year there is no snow, so nyah nyah on you rich people!

So now that my YMCA days are over and the rest of our activities are on break, I have one whole week to dedicate to schoolwork and housework.  No running off in the afternoons.  No insane marathon days on the road with all four kids.  No disruptions (at least until Friday when S goes north for his Taekwondo test).  And I had a three day weekend that my dearest husband insisted I take off.  I literally sat around all weekend.  And yesterday when I thought I was feeling better, M made me take one more day off.  He knows from experience that once he starts feeling himself again, he usually knocks himself out on the first day back to work!

This morning I awoke bright and early and created a schedule for this week (and this week only).  I am going to whip these kids into shape and teach them all sorts of useful things.  Like how to unload the dishwasher.  And wash the kitty prints off the windows. And how to wipe up the bathwater they spill.  Their (and my) day is split into 30 minute increments, much like the Managers of their Homes people.  Starting in 15 minutes!  Will I have sucess?  Of course!  Look at the weather!
Can you see all that sunshine?  The sunshine that is now bouncing off my computer monitor?  Like a message from God saying, "Get off the computer and get to work!"