Friday, January 6, 2012

Crockpot Yogurt

Wow, man, I'm seriously geeking out on my crockpot yogurt.  I've got a few extra gallons of milk in my fridge and no vanilla yogurt. What is a mom who is obsessed on saving money with the grocery bill to do?  (I'm obsessed with saving money on the grocery bill because I've told M that whatever is left in the grocery budget goes to my birthday present budget-you know, to make up for the fact I didn't get a Christmas present because of the whole septic thing)

I was going to make yogurt following instructions I found online that calls for a double boiler.  I don't have one that is big enough to hold a gallon of milk.  M asked, "Why can't you use your crockpot?"  I googled again and found many sites instructing us on the use of our crockpots in yogurt making!  Brilliant!  Easy!

Here's the cliffnotes version: heat a gallon of milk in the crockpot until it reaches the right temp, turn of crockpot and cool milk to 90-110 degrees, add yogurt starter (I used a cup-sized scoop of plain yogurt that has the Live and Active seal on the container), replace lid, wrap crockpot in a towel, let set overnight and...

Have yogurt smoothies for breakfast!