Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"It's Snow Wonder...

...people read your blog," M says about my last title.  Hard-dee-har-har!
Yesterday, for our science and art, S, E, and I read about how snowflakes are made along with some properties of water.  Then we cut out fire-starting materials, I mean, snowflakes.
Usually, when people cut out snowflakes, they fold the paper in half and in half once more.  This creates snowflakes with eight sections.  Everyone knows that snowflakes have six sections because of the hexagonal nature of the frozen water molecule, right?  I folded many sheets of paper with nice, 60-degree angles for my little scientists.  I knew that protractor would come in handy someday.
D with scissors? Could anything be more scary?
And then they cut it with my vast collection of scrapbooking scissors that were so cheap they hardly cut.  They're good enough for kids; abysmal for scrapbooking.
Where was IJ? Catching up on school work.
As I obsessively checked the National Weather Service website, M added to my insanity by saying things like, "the coming storm could rival the one of '96 where my parents lost power for 14 days."  Yes, I was up at 4:00 this morning, wondering how much snow we had and if we were going to lose power-and water.  Power I can live without.  Water for my coffee I can't.
Creeping out to the living room to peek out the windows was more exciting than Christmas morning!  I haven't seen snow like this down this far south for years!  We would get this much about once a year in the Old Town, while this area would get an inch or two.  I am so happy for my kids, who have gone two whole winters-almost three- without a decent snowfall.  IJ and S were out before breakfast.  They tramped around pretending to be explorers until S got tired and hungry.  He said, "I almost gave up and stayed out there forever."  Now if only they would go back out to find my compost container that someone left outside yesterday... it's buried in the chicken yard someplace they think.