Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mis-mis Tree!

Daniel's language is so cute.  He was so excited when Daddy brought home the Mis-mis tree!
He was quick to crawl right under and help Daddy get the tree nice and straight.  Just like another two year old I knew in 2005:
Our tree is an 8ft noble!  It was part of a special order that was cancelled (according to the tree stand), so we got it for a low, low price!  We have the tree on a small stage to help keep it out of reach of toddlers...and dogs.
 Okay, this picture has nothing to do with the tree, but it is so cute I had to post it:
We love the way Lula sticks her tongue out whenever she smiles!
We can't decorate our tree without our Candy Cane Cocoa!  This is one tradition that we've been able to keep up with each year.
The ornaments were carefully hung by the children, except for my Baby's 1st Christmas ornaments (I get them on a Buy One Get One Free deal-hahaha!).  Lula and her/my new ornament:
 She is so unbelievably CUTE!

After the tree was decorated, IJ made an advent calendar for Fiona so she could count the days until Christmas.  I asked him to make her paper chains, but instead he drew a picture of 23 eggs.  Every night she draws the egg hatching into a baby bird (or dinosaur).  When all the eggs are hatched, it's Christmas!  Now hopefully she'll stop asking if today is Christmas!