Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the World

I miss Grandad today.  He was always mentioning this date in a joking we needed to keep the Spam just in case the world ended according to the Mayan calendar.  And he loved anything South American and the movie Apocalypto.  He would have loved to be joking around with us today.
I said I would READ you a story, not FEED you a story!
I had planned to make light of things and have the kids learn about ancient Mayan culture, but Shane found Rodney the Rooster dead and it may have well been the end of the world for him.  We brought on Christmas vacation instead and the kids earned their video games by mucking the chicken coop.  That's when Ian stepped on a nail and it went through his cheap Walmart boots, puncturing his toe.  Not the end of the world; we just washed it out.  Then I found a crack my crock pot, so I just replaced the crock with my old one (the original base shorted out-I knew that crock would come in handy at the end of the world!)
We eat them faster than I can make them!
Tonight I made some awesome cookies and listened to Christmas music and laughed at all the insane things Fiona said (I'll be your cookie taster only I have to eat the whole thing so no one gets my germs).  Then I searched for "The end of the world" and "apocalypse" in Mark's music collection.  It came up with an impressive playlist, so now I'm rockin' out while I wait for the kids to finally wander off to bed.
I LOVE this character!
If the world truly does end today, I will be completely satisfied with what I did with my life.