Saturday, December 1, 2012

When Daddy's in Charge

Being that it is the Christmas season, I must be on the road on Saturdays to accomplish important errands sans kids.  I bet the kids love it when Daddy is in charge.  Before I even left, he planned to take Lula down to check out the pond and put the boys to work de-rocking the garden.

When I walked out the door, he was busy raking with the boys and had Evie in charge of Lula.

I thought it was cute that he remembered to put a hat on Lula so her little head wouldn't get cold...

...only the hat he chose is actually a pair of knitted shorts.  She was cute anyway!

Roosty, the barred rock rooster, is quite the little buddy.  If the chickens have gone too long without being fed, he will come up on the back porch to remind us.  He stares in the window like he is saying, "Anyone home? Helloooo! Feed us!"  We are going to keep him as long as we can.  He won't be stew anytime soon.
The other fun part about having Daddy in charge is he isn't as determined to get Daniel to nap as I am.  After Daniel falls asleep during Family Movie Night, he makes a nice popcorn bowl holder!