Sunday, December 23, 2012

Oatmeal Never Gets Boring

We've been eating oatmeal, bought in 50 pound sacks, for five or more years now.  I can't even remember now why we started doing this, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with saving mass quantities of money. THIS is a link to my pantry/bucket/bulk buying blog post.  THIS is a link to what my van looks like on shopping day.  And THIS is a link to making oatmeal tasty.
Fiona asks, "Can I play Cinderella?" and then she sings about mockingbirds and sweeps.
Every once in awhile I'm inspired to make the oatmeal a different way.  We often have dried cranberry-orange juice oatmeal or dried cranberry-vanilla yogurt oatmeal, but this morning I took a different route.  The cookie route.  Dried cranberry and white chocolate chips! Shhh! Don't tell the kids-they didn't get any!  The secret with chocolate chips, white or dark, is to sprinkle them in and stir just enough to incorporate.  If you over-stir, the chips melt and every bite tastes the same.  If you let the chips melt in place, you are surprised by a sweet gooey bite of melted chocolate! YUM!

I forgot to mention in my end-of-the-world post that I made Mayan oatmeal for breakfast: brown sugar, cocoa powder, cinnamon, and a pinch of cayenne pepper!  Now that was some tasty porridge that had no leftovers!