Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fiona Dances

 These blurry pictures show that Fiona started dance class today!
She has been so excited.  This girl has been showing off her Nutcracker dance to anyone who will watch it.  Yesterday she created a jumping/kicking/stomping dance that looked like a four years old's interpretation of Irish dancing. 
When I showed her what real Irish dancing looked liked, she nearly swooned.  Not because of the jumping, etc, but because the DRESSES were so PRETTY and SPARKLY.  She couldn't even choose which one was her favorite. And the CURLS and the MAKEUP! Oh my, I think her little girl head was going to explode.
Fiona's dance class is a mixture of ballet, tap, and creative movement (aka acting like animals).  She LOVES the tap dancing!  The teacher told me Fiona did very well for her first day and she is a natural.  I know she is a natural performer (people say she gets it from me) and I can't wait to watch her in future classes.