Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lula Gets Her Sassy On

If you care to watch a two minute video of Lula trying to get out of her Bumbo to get a train, enjoy.  This is one the other kids here love to watch over and over.
And this is just cute:
"What's the big deal with these things? They're no fun at all!"
Lula took her first trip to the swimming pool today!  She loved the water.  This was my first time taking six children to the pool.  Daniel decided he was scared of the water and kept a tight hold of my bathing suit top the whole time, even with a life jacket.  Once I took the life jacket off, he was fine.  I was thankful to have a friend that was happy to hold Lula the whole time so I could wrestle my giant squid son.  The other kids were happy to swim too!