Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Boring Week

Yep, the title says it all.  I haven't blogged because there really wasn't anything blog worthy.  We had a normal week of school, normal activities, normal events.  The older boys and Mark have a nasty cough (and I think I'm coming down with it).  My energy is even lower than it was before, so low in fact that I can barely do a load of laundry without needing to rest.

I'm gearing up to do a unit on photography and cameras with the kids.  Ian wants to earn the photography merit badge for Boy Scouts.  Shane wants to earn the belt loop and academics pin for Cub Scouts.  Evie has some great pictures she has submitted to National Geographic's Great Nature Project.  I have no idea if you can search for me there, but try to find me on Flickr and see some of Evie and Shane's pictures. 

The girls started dance on Tuesday.  Fiona was moved up to the big(ger) girls class along with two of her other classmates.  She isn't a preschooler anymore!  Evie is still in her class, which meets the same time (and same place) as Boy Scouts.  That's convenient!

Fiona had a few funny things to say this week, one of which I posted on facebook:  She had been going through my cookie cutters to find Halloween themed shapes.  She pulled out a pumpkin, a bat, and a cat...but also added an angel.  I said, "An angel? For Halloween?"  She replied, "Yes, it's the Death Angel.  I learned all about it in Sunday school.  If you don't put blood over your door, the Death Angel will come and kill all the first born babies."  The other funny thing that happened was one of those times where you just had to be there.  She asked if people get shots so they don't get sick.  I said yes.  She thought for a second and said, "I want to be a doctor when I grow up."  See? That wasn't funny!  It was the way she said it that made it funny.  It totally sounded like she wanted to be a doctor just so she could stick people with needles!  (The day before she wanted to be a dentist)

I took the kids to the dentist on Thursday.  It was Daniel's first time!  I was so disappointed.  Our trips to the dentist are always fun.  I thought for sure that my most belligerent would give us a show.  But he was perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  He was sweet, obedient, and didn't embarrass himself one time!  Boo.  It was Lula who spent the whole time butting the back of her head into my shoulder so I would put her down (which I didn't).  I was exhausted by the time we got out of there...only 35 minutes after we showed up!

Ian worked another shift selling popcorn last night.  He is up to about $1000 in sales (Shane has done $750).  Our approach this year is so different than last year.  Last year (and years before), a Cub Scout sells $350 to cover dues and everything over that goes to the general fund.  The Scout gets a prize that corresponds to the amount of sales.  Usually the prize is something stupid, like a little LEGO set or a pocket knife.  This year, Shane sold enough to cover his dues and a winter camp.  He'll get a prize, but we don't care about that.  We are done signing Shane up for selling shifts.  Ian will get a percentage of his sales deposited into his Boy Scout account.  The more he sells, the more trips he can go on.  So far he has covered summer camp and maybe a few smaller trips.  Usually, Ian is reserved in public.  But last night he started coming out of his shell and entertained people with his lame magic tricks.  He knows they are bad, but he had fun talking to people, even though the people weren't buying.  Our area has been saturated with popcorn; everyone who was going to buy some has already done it.  The same shift that earned Ian and Shane over $500 in sales, barely cleared $200 last night. 

So, that pretty much wraps up our boring week!