Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bad Timing or Run Away Imagination

Today I took Children 3-5 to the doctor's office for a well-child check up. Only #3 and #5 were actually seen. As I was reassuring the doctor that my child would indeed be properly socialized without the aid of the public school, Child 3 decided that this was a great time to play mouse. He crawled behind the examination table and peeked out a few times before cautiously creeping out and grooming his mousy fur. Right when Doctor asked if I "had any concerns about his behavior," we looked over to see the little mouse sniffing his feet and attempting to scratch under his chin. "Um, well, as you can see he has a great imagination (Get back on the bench where I told you to sit!)..." was all that I could say. Our family doctor has been with us since Children 1 and 2 were little tykes and he likes to reminisce about the time one of them said, "You may call this a butterfly, but I call it Lepidoptera." So he wasn't at all surprised to see the next generation following in their footsteps.

Oh, but Child 3 wasn't done with just a mouse act. Doctor interviewed this child about important safety topics such as bike helmets and how dangerous handgun are and how he should never pick one up. At the end of the appointment, we casually chatted about our summer plans: camping. Doctor asked Child 3 how he could be safe around a campfire. With a straight face, I kid you not, this incredible child of ours said, "Oh, we will bring guns. That will keep us safe."

My Pathetic Doberman was home alone all day and now she is so happy to see us again that she is following me from room to room.