Sunday, June 17, 2007


Children #3 and #4 are going through an interesting phase. Everything is funny to them. They will sit at the table during lunch and say, "I'm eating a sandwich." And then the giggling starts. And it doesn't stop. The giggling and strange comments go on and on until I'm about ready to go crazy! "There's a plate on the table." "I see a tomato." "The dog is dumb." I tried separating them...but they could still hear each other giggling in the other room. Child #3 had to sit on time out until he could stop laughing. He sat for 15 minutes.

Most parents have sibling rivalry issues. Their children fight. My kids love each other too much! How can that irritate me? How can I give my kids a time out for LAUGHING and SMILING and LOVING each other?

So now the rule is they can laugh, but if it is so loud that it hurts my ears, it has to stop.