Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Do Pools Have Water?

This is the question Child #4 asked on our way out the door. He did fine in lessons, until the teacher asked him to sit on the stairs while she worked with another child at the other end of the pool. Now, this pool is not a standard sized pool; it is located in a hotel, had dimensions of 12 x 15 feet, is 3 feet deep at one end and 5 feet deep on the other. Child #4, being listening-challenged, did not stay sitting on the stairs. He stood up, splashed around, and promptly fell off the stairs into water that was just over his eyes. Needless to say, in a pool where the teacher is at the other end and no life guard on duty, I came home with a wet leg. Good thing I was sitting on the same side of the pool and could haul my child to safety.