Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wisdom from a 5-Year Old

Me (telling #3 about Heaven): ...and you'll never be hungry in Heaven.
#3: I'm not hungry now. But I will be. In sixteen minutes.

(Four minutes later)

#3: Do you know who George Washington is? I do.
Me: Who?
#3: You know! Tell yourself!
Me: Why don't you tell me and we will see if we have the same answer.
#3: He broke down a cherry tree and told the truth.
Me: Yes, and he grew up to be a brave soldier and the first President of our country!
#3:.....Just like my teddy bear was my first teddy bear?
Me: Ummmm, sure....
#3: And he came down from teddy bear heaven?
Me: .....? Just go upstairs.

(12 minutes later)

#3: Mom? (Looking very pathetic) Can I have some chips?