Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby Cradle

Write down the date and time!  Baby D is sleeping in his cradle!  This cradle is very special to me.  My dad designed and built it when I was on the way.  I slept in it and all five of my kids have slept in it.  Some kids liked it better than others.  E slept in the cradle until she couldn't fit in it anymore.  IJ slept in his carseat on top of the cradle for a few minutes.  I'm hoping Baby D will sleep more like E!

(And yes, I do realize most posts have been about F lately.  But she is the one causing all the mischief around here!  The other kids aren't as funny right now.  They're too busy playing.  Although IJ slipped and fell out of the van yesterday.  M said, "Smooth move Ex-Lax!  What do you do for an encore, gargle peanut butter?" IJ found this to be so hilarious I thought he was going to pee his pants from giggling so hard.  It has happened before.  So later, when he and his dad were playing catch and his dad missed the ball, IJ said, "Slippery egg yolks, Dad (giggle, giggle)!  What will you do for your audience (giggle, giggle)?  Peanut butter goggle (giggle, giggle)?"  He obviously forgot the entire thing, much to my amusement!)