Saturday, April 10, 2010

Black Belt Test: Halfway There!

Testing for black belt is always difficult.  And I'm so glad I didn't go to the test last night.  IJ had to perform four poomse each about ten times (plus other techniques).  Master worked him until IJ was twitchy and almost crying!  And that was before the test even started!  As a Mom, my first instinct would have been to interfere with the testing process and tell Master to lay off.  IJ is only seven years old!  Sure, he will be eight next month, but then he will still be only eight years old!  Which is far too young for a black belt in anything in my opinion!  Plus, IJ is a sensitive kid.  He needs plenty of carrots, not a lot of stick.  But as a Dad, M remained calm and saw that his son was being forged in the fires of adversity and the stress of the test is what would earn him a black belt.  If the test were no big deal, then what is the point of the test?  IJ will complete the second half of the test in June and be an official black belt then... And he will earn the first black belt at his new school.  And be the youngest (until S tests next June).

S also tested last night for his red belt.  He is always doing something funny, purposely or not.  This time he got the hiccups right in the middle of his test.  Imagine... "Hi-Yah!" Punch, hiccup.  "Hi-Yah!" Punch, hiccup."