Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Day Begins 3:15 this morning with a few clues that lead me to believe that this Baby is coming today.  Ten hours later, things are still quite slow, although contractions are getting sharp.  I try to sleep, anticipating a long night.  But F comes barging in my room all dusty.  "Great.  She's gotten into the chalks and her diaper is wet.  And M is on the phone with L.  I'll change her diaper and then go sit in the sun for awhile."  Because today is a beautiful day!
 Me on a walk around the property this morning

So I head toward the lower living room because the sun is shining in the window, right on the couch, and that seems like a great place to curl up and finish napping.

But then I see this:
Ash. All over my good carpet!
And she is GUILTY!
And M is in trouble!  But I can't stay mad.  Today is so beautiful and I'm not the only one having a baby:

The frogs are busy too!  I'm glad I'm not missing out on such a beautiful spring day.