Saturday, April 24, 2010

F and the Chickens

This morning, F patted my arm and said, "See a chickens?"  I'm thinking "NO!" based on yesterday.
M finished the chicken door, so now the chickens don't have to go through the human door to get outside.  His design is quite brilliant.  The door slides on a track and is large enough for several chickens to come in and out at the same time.  A good idea when you have 30 chickens trying to get out in the morning!
Henny Penny didn't get the memo.  Here she is saying, "There's a wolf on one side and a tiger on the other.  Let me in!"
But this post is about F and the chickens.  Here she is trying to get in the chicken door.  S tried it earlier and got pecked in the eye.  So we said, "F, watch out!  You're going to get pecked in the eye!"  She said:
"I'm BUSY!"

So she moved on to chicken chasing.  And picking up the chickens.  And hugging them so tight there wasn't a squawk left in their tiny little bodies.
As this one squawked, F said "Sh!"  And not in a loving, calming way- the way she could have learned from a nurturing, soothing mother.  She said it as a command.  Just like the way she hears it from her real mother.
This is what she looks like after she throws a chicken to make it fly and Daddy steps in.  Where did she learn the chicken throwing trick?  Ask the brother that was kicked out of the run for the same trick earlier!  
 See him next to the dog?  It's the same one that had his eye pecked.

M (who is now beard-less) says, "Get this kid out of here!"  And Henny Penny is still trying to get in through the wrong door!