Thursday, April 29, 2010

Homeschooling With Work Files

The latest fad in homeschooling organization is Sue Patrick's Workbox System.  I think this is a great idea, but I don't have space for two shoe racks with 12 plastic shoe boxes each.  Let alone five when things really get going around here.  In the spirit of creativity and inspiration, I went to Office Depot to see what I could come up with that would mimic the basic idea.
I have two desk top file holders, one for each student, and each file holder has 8 numbered files.  In the morning I fill the folders with some kind of worksheet, workbook, note, game, or snack.  Each boy is responsible for working systematically through his folders, putting his completed work in the file tray next to the files and the empty file folder in another file tray.  This morning, while the boys built machines with the Legos and Erector sets, I filled the files.  File 1 is handwriting, 2 is a reading comprehension worksheet, 3 is Explode the Code, 4 is a note that says "Go play outside!", 5 is math activity (subtraction practice for S, Mayan math for IJ), 6 is Writing With Ease, and 7 is Daily Geography. No #8 today.
Perfect Student #1

I feel like I've reinvented the way I homeschool so many times that incorporating Baby into everything is just another transition.  We get more reading time with the baby around since I seem to have to nurse him nonstop.  I've been reading stories out loud to the kids in the morning and afternoon and having S read out loud to me in the morning.  IJ even asked me to read some extra chapters in Story of the World this morning.  
Perfect Student #2

For some reason he is really excited to get to read about Henry VIII and his wives.  Anyway, one of these days I will have a file set up for E too.  Hers will be Kumon workbooks, games, coloring sheets... Each morning as I fill the files, I check the work done the day before for errors.  When I find an error, I write a little note telling them what to fix and what pages they need to do today.  As they complete the work, I enter it into my database (that I'm not too good at using) so I know they are making "progress" throughout the year.  I'm thankful they have reached the age where they can work independently.  As you can see, I have a bit of work still left to do in my school room!
What a mess!  But at least everything is at a level that I can reach while holding a baby that can't be put down (oh, my aching back).  He is two weeks old today!  And he slept six hours straight last night.
Mr. Cool