Monday, April 12, 2010

Pinewood Derby

I can't believe I sat through all six hours of the Pinewood Derby!  And we lost.  But not as bad as we lost last year!  IJ came in 17th of 25 and S came in 21st of 25.  Those places sound really bad, but the actual race times were so close!  I'm glad our pack has a handy-dandy computerized race track and all cars race against all cars on all four tracks.  The four times are averaged and the car with the best overall time wins.  This means that some of the places were awarded down to the thousandth of a second.  Sure, it takes longer while technical difficulties are dealt with, but there is no bias-which was an issue at the Raingutter Regatta when races were called by the parents.

This was the only good picture I got:
I can only understand half of what this kid is saying most of the time, thanks to those missing teeth.

The best part about yesterday was leaving the girls at home with M.  He worked outside, trying to get the fence finished for the chicken coop. This is how big the chicken yard is going to be:
While M was working, F managed to follow the cat all the way down the driveway and into the road.  M was more upset than he has been in a very long time.  It took only a second for her to disappear.  And all I had to say was, "Bad Daddy!" and "I'm glad it didn't happen on my watch!"  I can't even imagine what M would have done if I let her escape down the driveway!

Remember the time IJ disappeared down here?  All of us searched frantically for him, calling and crying and worrying that he drowned in the pond.  But we found him sound asleep under the blankets in his room.  He hid there because he was ashamed for disobeying the adults and then fell asleep because it was such a warm day. 

And I found this in my living room this morning:
It has a brain under the bag body.  S certainly has his creative moments, doesn't he?