Monday, May 24, 2010

How I Tricked My Kids Today

I tricked my sons into doing math and housework at the same time.  Hahaha!  I am the first to admit that I am a terrible housekeeper.  I've been a Flybaby dropout for at least five years!  Every once in awhile I am inspired to do better.  Especially when I feel like my life is falling apart (again).
IJ Vacuums
This morning, while I gave Baby Oinker a bottle, I had IJ list six chores that I would have done as a Monday Morning Blessing.  I told the boys that each chore took ten minutes to do.  I had them write two different number sentences that would describe how long it would take for one person to do these six chores. [6 x 10 = 60 and 10+10+10+10+10+10=60].  The boys easily figured out it would take one hour.
S Waters Plants
I then asked them to tell me how many chores three people would do if they split the six chores equally and to write the number sentence [3 x 2 = 6].  And here is the tricky part:  I asked them if three people working together at the same time each did two chore that took ten minutes each, how long would it take for them to get all the chores done?  IJ got the answer first.  
IJ Washes Windows
THEN, I asked them what would be better, IJ doing all six chores by himself for one hour or the three of us each doing two chores for 20 minutes.  And then I let them pick which chores they wanted to do.  I was "stuck" with garbage duty and sweeping.  Instead of the whole list.  Hee hee!