Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Music and Mayhem

Today was an interesting day.  I have "grounded" them from coloring because I am sick of picking up the markers and colored pencils they forget about.  So they had to find something else to do while I was busy this morning.  They started out being a detective (IJ), a mad scientist (S), and an artist (E).  I was relieved to see that they have not in fact destroyed their imaginations playing video games.

They are now playing music.  When IJ first told me he was going to write a song, I said, "Writing a song before you know anything about music is like writing a book before you can spell."  And then I thought to myself, "Hm. They can tell stories well enough without knowing how to spell."  And I said to him, "Go ahead."
 IJ wrote out the letters of the notes he wanted to play and practiced until it sounded...nice.

S also wrote some music on the old Fisher Price xylophone that is older than I am!  And since S didn't have access to markers, he had to find a different way to write his song:

Very clever, yes?  He is working on Zelda's Lullaby.  From a video game.  Take that video game haters!