Monday, July 26, 2010

Completing Him Challenge

It's Monday again!  Last weeks challenge was: Make him a priority. Ask him what his favorite dinner, dessert and drink are. Be sure to serve him all three one night this week. Bonus: cook his favorite dishes all week long!

Hmmm... Last Monday he was at Taekwondo and had PB&J.  Tuesday we had a Cub Scout meeting, so I think we just ate whatever leftovers we could find in the fridge.  Wednesday was when he hiked up to Lake Something-or-Other to plant fish and his boss took that awesome picture.  So he wasn't home for dinner that night.  And I can't really remember anything else except I tried really hard to get leftovers used up-including a pizza made out of pork ragout. Which is a huge pet peeve of his- rotting leftovers in the fridge, not pork ragout pizza.  So there.  I did make his needs a priority.  And then he barbecued some awesome burgers on Saturday and made a killer Hot Salad with chicken stir-fried in pomegranate and chipotle dressing last night.

This weeks challenge is: Support his vision. Discuss his vision for your family. Where does he see your family in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Share with us how you let your husband lead.

I'll have to get back to you on that one.  I guess it will all depend on the state budget and whether or not the end times are here!  LOL