Sunday, July 18, 2010

How's This for Cute?

Yesterday was the first day I was 100% glad we moved here.  Yeah, it still hurts to think of our friends back at our old home.  But you're only a phone call away!  Yesterday IJ's friend and his newly-recruited-to-the-homeschool-movement mom came over to play for a few hours.  The mom and I drank coffee and chatted about all the things we love best (homeschooling, chickens, homey things).
After they left, M and I watched the kids play in the pond.  Really, how many kids learn to swim in their very own pond and can go there almost any afternoon?  And swing from rope swings like Tarzan?  And play Gilligan's Island on their very own (tiny) island? (Here's a funny off topic story from yesterday-IJ is pretending to be shipwrecked in a storm and swims to S's paddle board and pulls himself up, knocking S off course and splashing him.  S was mad and said, "I wish I could do the opposite of save you!")
After we shooed the kids off to bed (even Baby D), M  built a campfire in our very own fire ring.  We stayed up past midnight and talked about the things you can only talk about under the stars.  Hopes, dreams, that kind of thing.  We watched the stars come out, one by one, until the whole sky was completely filled.  M saw a shooting star and we could also see the Milky Way.  We never saw that many stars at our old place.  Or had a midnight campfire-except the day we moved and we burned the broken furniture that fell out of the moving van.

So. Yeah.  I like it here!