Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

 Playing SpongeBob Sorry!
What a weekend we are having!  Historically, we've held our annual family reunion over the 4th of July weekend complete with cousins and anyone who was remotely related to any of us.  This year, with the new baby and all the work we are doing around here, we decided to keep it small with just us.  Us.  That's a big party!  We have six adults, five children, and a baby!
We have Grandad, M and I, and the seven D family children, plus Big S and his son!  I say, it sure is nice having all these extra people around to keep these kids happy and busy.  Big S and L have taken most of the kid responsibility. 
How many kids can you fit in a family sized pool?

Answer: A Family's Worth!

Time for Dinner!
We had a lovely BBQ dinner on our new picnic table, complete with corn on the cob, baked beans, and potato salad.  Nothin' fancy.  Dinner was beautiful in its simplicity.  I looked around the table, leaned over to M and said, "Look at all our kids.  Ranging in age from 29 to 2 months old."  L corrected me with, "Twenty-eight.  Twenty-nine in September."
And Oh Boy did I discover something spectacular at the grocery store yesterday!  Big gigantic humongous ginormous marshmallows!  I stood in the aisle hefting the bag in my hand thinking, "Should I?  They're so GROSS!  The kids will puke!  But shouldn't I?  They are so fun!"  And I did.  I bought a bag of the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen.  They are the size of my fist!  And they come in two flavors in one bag!
The S'more worthy of Mordor
After S'mores we shot off fireworks:
I've never seen My Pathetic Doberman disappear so quickly, with two cats right after her.  F decided half-way through the show that she wanted to go to bed and "read."  Big S's son fell asleep by the campfire.  And although the rest of the kids had permission to stay up all night long if they wanted (as long as they stayed in their beds), everyone was snoozing within minutes.  M and Big S sat by the campfire until after midnight (I was sound asleep by then).  And this morning I single-handedly made a pancake breakfast for all eleven of us!  I found that it is easier to cook for this huge crowd than it is to cook for just me and my little ones.  I have plenty of adults to hold the babies!

Let the fun continue!