Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pacific Ocean Part 1

We went to the ocean today!  We took 322 pictures.  And the battery died as I was downloading, so I will share our first stop today and our second stop tomorrow.
We heard it was going to be 93 degrees here at Twin Firs today and only 77 at the Coast, so we decided several hours in an air conditioned van was much better than roasting here!  And strangely enough, we spent the day in mist.
The kids follow their dad
The kids have never seen the Pacific Ocean and they wanted to so bad!  S especially wanted to see a blue whale.  I was hoping they would be able to see as far as they could see and not be able to see China.
 S watches his sandcastle get wiped out
But we could barely see the waves!  The mist was pretty spooky. But cool too.  It took awhile for the kids to get used to the water.

But not too long.
Not long at all in fact.
F really had to be convinced that the water was okay.
But she still kept her distance.
We haven't been to the ocean since 2001, when M and I took our road trip.  And now we have five more tagalongs!
After the kids played in the water, they broke out the tub of sand toys that a friend lent to us for the day.  You can see our van in the mist behind them!  We drove on the beach!  I was afraid we would get stuck in the sand, but we didn't.  M laughed at me and said we had enough people to push the van out.
After Baby D had his little toes dipped into the ocean, he went down for a nap with the sound of the waves in the background and the healthy sea air to breathe.  We had our lunch and then moved on to kite flying!
"Let's go fly a kite"
Each kid had their own cheapo cartoon character kite from Target.  I really wanted something simple and solid colored, but these kites were all they had.  But they were awesome!  A dummy could fly them!  Or a two year old.
Our four kites and the van
The beach was pretty crowded, even though there was nothing but mist.  Did you know you could get a terrible sunburn in the mist?  I didn't, but now I do (ouch).  When everyone had to use the bathroom, we decided to leave and find another beach.  Stay tuned for Pacific Ocean, Part 2 coming tomorrow!