Monday, November 8, 2010

Teaching E

The video captures one of those precious moments exclusive to a large, homeschooling family.  In any other "normal" family, an 8 year old boy wouldn't let his little sister hang out across his lap while teaching the other to read. 

E is now all signed up to have her educational expenses reimbursed, starting after her 5th birthday.  Because she is an "old" student and quite sharp (like her sister A), we decided starting her "Kindergarten" year early was a good idea.  I spent part of the weekend doing what us homeschoolers like to do most: drooling over homeschool curriculum.  One would think that by now I would know exactly what I want, but I don't. 

Teaching E will be a new adventure.  She is naturally intelligent and has picked up enough from her brothers that I've heard her arguing with S over the definition of a noun.  She has memorized many of the addition facts, thanks to S quizzing her in the backseat of the van as we drive to and from activities.  And she is writing simple words, just because she wants to.  I've done a few Saxon K lessons with her and had to skip halfway through the book!  Oh, yes.  She will be fun!