Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Fun Project

We are taking standardized tests this week.  E went yesterday and scored at a first grade level.  Pretty good for a kid who only does school work a few hours a week since January!

While one kid tests, the others play.  Preferably somewhere besides the computer area.  Having a fun, quiet activity for these times is a must.

And beading looms is it!  How fun!  And educational too!  They create patterns on graph paper, keeping in mind the Sioux like symmetrical, geometric designs (math, history, cultural awareness).  Then they transfer the design to beads, improving their fine motor skills.
I ordered these bead looms from Blick Art.  They are made for pony beads so I don't have to worry about losing millions of tiny beads all over the floor.  Just thousands of bigger beads!