Friday, May 27, 2011

What Are You Doing Today?

Whatever it is, it can't possibly be as cool as what I'm doing today!

I've been watching these eggs since the beginning of May.  I knew there was a chance that they wouldn't make it (and I know there is still a chance they won't).  In fact, I thought that I'd toss them today since they hadn't hatched yet.  But when I picked them up, they peeped at me!  What a surprise!  I held them each to my ears and sure enough, the peeping was coming from inside the egg.  I'm heading back out to the coop now...I'll let you know if they are boys or girls or both.  I'm mostly excited to see if I can tell what breed they are.

And before this was done uploading, two chicks hatched!  One looks a little Americauna-ish and the other looks like a Buff Orpington.  I'm so happy.