Tuesday, April 17, 2012

D: Two Years Old

We celebrated D's birthday on Sunday (two days ago).  The first half of the day was spent running errands while M and the boys had scout hikes.  The second half of the day was spent in two-year-old style!
Playing with Balloons
Watching Sesame Street in his Birthday Suit
Two Year Old Specialty: Temper Tantrum (I touched his balloon)
Cake and Thomas Plate
D was very cute about his cake and candle.  I, of course, recorded the singing and candle blowing, but when it was all over, I realized that I didn't actually push record!  And M spent all that time teaching D how to blow out the candle...and it was funny.  Too bad we missed it.  The second time through (because yes, I said, "Do it again!  I missed it the first time!") the singing and candle blowing was finished in 26 seconds.  The funny funny part was:
Third (or fourth) Lighting of the Candle
D really liked the candle part.  Halfway through licking off the frosting, D pointed to his cake and said, "Daddy, want!"  It took us awhile to figure out he wanted the candle lit again and again.
Then it was on to presents...an orange boat for the tub and some sand toys that we will also put in the tub.
He thought the handle was for blowing bubbles, isn't that cute?  He is just getting cuter and funnier every day.

Today we had to take him in for his two year well baby visit.  He was bored with waiting and said, "Bye-bye! Outside! Daddy! Cookie!" like he was trying any and all possible combination of wants and/or needs to get out of there.  After his two shots, he screamed, "Owie, owie, owie, owie..." over and over until we got outside.  IJ, who was waiting in the reception area with S, said, "We thought that was him screaming."  There is no doubting his ability to communicate his feelings, is there?