Sunday, April 8, 2012


I lost the plastic/candy battle again this year...but at least we went to church!  It was fun watching M toss eggs throughout the pasture while the kids had their backs to the windows.  Only D caught the Egg Hider in the act.  The Pirate followed close on his heels, sniffing each egg with interest.  I had fun imagining him slurping up each egg as it landed.
Ready to Hunt
F Finds an Egg
D figures out the game fast enough. "Egga!"
S found the most eggs, but shared with his sibs.
IJ found the basket of goodies, but the magic is over for him.
D doesn't want plastic...until he discovers candy!
The magic has yet to begin for this one...and IJ can help him learn.
E's Lucky Egg (the Irish flag)
F has a new dress just like E's, only hers is purple.   I knit the top and sewed the skirt to the bottom.  I don't think I will ever sew a gathered piece of fabric to a knit anything ever again!  But I did have fun.  The fabric is too thin to wear without something underneath, so I found that lacy petticoat in the dress-up box this morning.  It looks so cute peeping out over her rubber boots!
E's Easter Dress!
Here are links to 2009, 2010, and 2011.  This is our first Easter without Grandad.  Even before we moved here we spent many Easters with him.  He was the one that inspired (is that the right word?) us to eat all sorts of yummy things and go overboard with buying food.  This year we are keeping our menu simple: ham, potatoes, and salad.  And a shrimp tray.  And pop.  And coconut cream pie...but only one.  And ice cream.  And we had melon and strawberries for breakfast (with a side of candy), but if we would have had more time we would have added Eggs Benedict.  The only reason we don't have a cheese and sausage tray is because I didn't want to buy a "bad" selection and M didn't want to stop at the store on the way home from church.  We hear the first year after a loved one passes is the hardest.  And it was this time of year that Grandad started declining.  I catch myself thinking, "It was this time last year when Grandad went to the hospital for the first time..." or "Last year I bought him lamb, but he couldn't eat it and I had to eventually throw it away."  (sniff, sniff)

Anyway, did we find all our eggs?  We'll never know...because no one counted them!