Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day

Once upon a time, I had a friend who hated Earth Day.  She told me we made funny friends because I like Earth Day and Earth Day made her want to burn tires and drive around in her gas guzzler throwing trash out the window.  She was right; we did make funny friends.
A Happy Earth Day Indeed
Today I celebrated Earth Day by recycling my plastic...but I didn't know it was Earth Day when I did it.  I was just on my way to town to obey my inner urge to purchase massive quantities of meat and make freezer meals.  Then I bought throw away dishes and disposable diapers (although I cut out pieces for more cloth diapers this morning) and LED light bulbs and storage containers for hand-me-downs.  I think I'm well-balanced, don't you?
While I was gone, M rototilled the garden and planted tomato starts.  He mowed (parts of) the lawn.  And he got his BBQ groove on with some Copper River Sockeye and steak.  For this I am extremely thankful because I came home and put together 13 freezer meals and have three more trays of meat and dozens of eggs to process tomorrow.
The kids took another dip in the pond this afternoon.  They are so lucky to live here!  Now we are enjoying a delicious dinner that reminds me of the days when we used to come down here for vacations.  We are only missing three special people.