Thursday, April 26, 2012


Each day I obsess over something new.  Sunday it was freezer meals.  Monday I tackled egg dishes (eight batches of Dutch Baby batter-8 dozen eggs, plus two quiches-another 2 dozen, and 20 egg and sausage burritos-3 dozen eggs).  Tuesday I had to renew my driver's license because I somehow forgot it expired on my last birthday...again.  Four years ago I was pregnant with F, so that is my excuse.  And since I had to drive so far, I stopped by JoAnn and scored some awesome fabric deals.  So that meant that Wednesday I obsessed over diaper sewing.  And I'm getting pretty good at making diapers, if I do say so myself!
D modeling his baby sister's new diaper: pink isn't really his color!
The diaper in the picture is considered an "All in One" because it has a waterproof layer, several absorbent layers snapped inside (snapped for easy removal and quick laundering), and a snap closure (so we don't have to look for diaper pins).  There is even a pocket to stuff even more absorbent layers!  I have no problem pinning diapers.  In fact, I prefer to pin.  But I can never find the pins when I need them and I own a professional quality snap press, so snaps are it.  These diapers sell for $30; I can make them for less than $2.

"I've been a very bad dog!"
The dogs are driving me crazy.  M heard on the news that there have been an increase in small earthquakes in the area.  He thinks the dogs can sense the earthquakes and it is affecting their behavior.  One dog has had three accidents inside at night-I stepped in one in the dark and was happy to wake the Master for clean up duty.  Another dog won't sleep in her bed (that would be The Pathetic Doberman) and prefers to sleep right outside our bedroom door.  The Pirate keeps sneaking in with the boys.  We set up a baby gate at the end of the hall to keep the dogs where they belong.  That just makes them bark and whine at the gate.  I got to wear M's earplugs last night after giving him such a powerful evil eye that he thought another earthquake hit! Pathetic Doberman has also returned to her annoying habit of following me wherever I go.  You have no idea how annoying it is to have a dog follow you around nonstop.  She is worse than the kids.  At least the kids understand the need for privacy!