Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pitbull Piranha

Our meat birds are growing like crazy.  We've had to separate them from the layer chicks because they pile on top of each other to sleep and my little Easter Egger suffocated.  Poor thing.  The boys are mostly responsible for feeding, watering, and letting them in and out of their coop, so I had no idea how big they were!  I weighed one of the meat roosters and he weighed 3.5 pounds!  It's unbelievable how much more dense these little meat birds are.  I weighed a mature Rhode Island Red just for comparison and she only weighed 3.7 pounds.
It's only April...yet...
...yes, the kids went swimming in the pond!  The Pirate joined them and had a blast trying to climb up on the paddle boards.
At one point, IJ jumped off his paddle board and swan to shore.  The Pirate wasn't sure if IJ needed saving or what was going on, so he got a little too excited swimming after IJ.  He got my Mama-Panic on when it looked like he was going to push IJ under, but he only scratched him.  IJ knocked him over the head and told him to, "GO ON!" so at least The Pirate knew his boy was safe.  After that, The Pirate gleefully swam in circles and chased The Pathetic Doberman around the pond.
The Pond Princess
These are F's "Muddy Slippers"
Now I'm busy experimenting with egg dishes that I can freeze (I've learned my kids prefer a higher egg to milk ratio in quiches and a potato crust instead of a pie crust) and cutting out pattern pieces for pajamas and diapers.  Because I know that it won't be long until I can't reach my sewing machine or get the freezer door open...