Thursday, July 11, 2013

VBS Week

New Tire Swing!
It has been a busy week here.  Every morning, I wake the kids minus Ian at 7:30 so they can get ready for Vacation Bible School.  They are all sleeping downstairs on the floor because no one wants Shane to sleep alone.  Isn't that sweet? Every morning I have to have breakfast ready by 8:00 and find them clean, unstained, matching clothes.  Every morning, I load them up into the van and drive 15 miles to our favorite church, drop them off, and find something to occupy my time for three hours.  It is almost like sending them to school...but not.  By the time we get home in the afternoon, tired and hungry, and the housework is still waiting for me from the day before, I get so tired I take a nap.  Yep, VBS week wears me out!
Doesn't Ian look tired? One of the parents is taking pictures of the campers and posting them on facebook for all us parents who miss our babies.  The boys have to wake up at 6:45 every morning.  HA HA HA HA HA! No wonder he has dark circles under his eyes!  Ian comes home late tomorrow night and Shane can't wait!

Oh, and Lula turned one year old on Wednesday!  We postponed our celebration until Ian can be here.