Monday, July 1, 2013

Garden Bounty

I don't like to count my chickens before they're hatched, but I would like to share some pictures of our potential harvest!
Purple Beans

Golden Delicious Apples

Bartlett Pears (I think)

Jonathan Apples

The tomatoes the deer didn't eat (and little peppers too)

Mark's awesome garden (carrots, beets, green beans...

...spinach, many kinds of lettuce, peas, corn, and squash)

Purple Plums

Green Plums

Stanley Plums

Preparing to Pickle
Mark has put so much hard work into his gardens (I haven't-that's why I have only purple beans and asparagus and lots of chicken weeds).  We've been eating lots of salad, fresh picked every day!  I've found some great beet recipes online, so as soon as it cools down a bit, I'm going to start pickling and freezing some tasty treats for winter!