Sunday, December 29, 2013

Charlie Comes to Visit

We had a special visitor today!  I haven't seen Ami's family for so long.  Little Charlie isn't so little anymore.  He out-weighs Lula easily!
They look related.
Lula, who already has to deal with competition from another baby, had to share me with her nephew.  She wasn't too happy and spent a lot of time frowning at him.
Kissy kissy kissy! Giggle giggle giggle!
Charlie is a sweet boy!  He wasn't used to SO MUCH stimulation and other small people.  After an initial shock, he melted right in with the group. 
Three generations
Now that he has experienced and survived the madness of his grandparent's house, I'm hoping Ami will bring him down to play more often....
Eight out of Nine again...someday, someday, we will get all nine at once...
Next Christmas, I'm going to ask Santa to reunite all the Downen kids under one roof, just for one night... Hey, I can dream, can't I?