Saturday, December 14, 2013

States of Consciousness

According to experts, newborn babies have six states of consciousness.  States 1 through 3 involve sleeping: deep sleep, active sleep, waking up/falling asleep. 
Stage 2
States 4 and 5 are quiet alertness and active alertness.
Stage 5
 State 6 is crying.
Stage 6
Lula spent most of her newborn days sleeping.  Heidi spends most of her's in active alert or crying stages.
Lula at 19 days old: SLEEPING
Heidi at 16 days old: WIDE AWAKE
I had an easier time getting things done when Lula was a newborn.  Heidi? Not so much.  I usually make my list of things to do at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning while Heidi is looking around in between feeding and changing and sleeping.  I have fallen asleep in my chair with her snuggled against my chest with the pencil still in my hand a few times now.  My lists are usually what I'm making for dinner and what laundry I'm going to wash and one or two other tasks.  Today my task was to correct all the schoolwork that piled up this week and add Heidi to our insurance.  I got through Shane's math.  That's about all I can do and it takes ALL DAY.  As long as no one complains, I'm completely content with my lack of productivity.
"She wasn't really planning on working anyway!"
I suppose I could get more done if I pack Heidi around in the wrap.  But sometimes it's nice to just hold her and watch her watch the world.