Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Out With the Old

Thank goodness 2013 is over!  Besides adding Heidi to the family, 2013 wasn't my favorite year.  It was probably my third least favorite (moving here in 2009 and losing Grandad in 2011 beat 2013 as worse years).
I have spent the last few days (you know, when I'm not feeding the baby or changing her diaper or changing my shirt because she spit up all over me again) thinking about the New Year and all that resolution stuff...wondering what I'm doing with my life...wishing I had more sleep...and packing away the china in the picture above.  The china belonged to Mark's mother.  It has been sitting in a cupboard in the school room in reach of toddlers for years.  Time to move it up to the attic and make room for board games!  I hope whoever inherits the dishes uses them.  You can find replacements for all pieces easily and cheaply on Ebay (I checked, just in case).
Sometimes it's easier to sleep on the couch
I think my resolution for this year will be not setting myself up for failure.  I have a great habit of dreaming over my morning coffee about all the fun stuff I'm going to do... especially in the homeschool... and then I never do it due to (fill in the blank with any reason or excuse).  I'm going to take each day as it comes.  This way if I bring home a 30 pound box of frozen strawberries with the intention of mass-producing jam and the baby happens to be extremely fussy and won't let me put her down for six hours and I end up having to make jam until midnight because I can't fit 30 pounds of strawberries in the freezer, well, I won't be too hard on myself.  Especially if I only sleep for five hours and let the kids play video games all day the next day.  And don't ask why I use this as an example (strawberry banana jam...yum....)
Tomorrow, my one and only goal is to get the stuff off the tree.  You know your tree isn't as lively as it was a month ago when the lights start sliding off the bottom branches.  Our tree is now nice and crispy, just as I predicted!  Next year, we will remember to water it.  Really! I mean it!
Who me? Make messes? No!
Oh, Lula.  I gave her a bath after her yogurt treatment...but she did the exact same thing with a strawberry smoothie she snatched off the counter just a few hours later.  I think she did it on purpose!  But at least she smells yummy.
The picture above shows our traditional New Year's Eve dinner: Seven Layer Dip.  Only this year? I made it to only five layers before I gave up and we started eating.  And since we were supposed to learn the layers of the earth but didn't, well, I couldn't call it Earth Layer Dip.  But that's okay.  See? I'm already sticking to my resolution! Yay me! And Happy New Year!