Monday, December 9, 2013

Oh, Christmas Tree! and other fun...

"It's our prettiest tree yet!" (Mark says that every year)
One of my favorite traditions is decorating the Christmas tree while drinking hot cocoa with candy canes.  One of Mark's favorite traditions is getting the perfect tree without even looking closely at it (wrapped up in twine usually) as early in December as he can.  Every year, we try to remember to water the tree and every year we forget, so that by Christmas, our tree is nice and crispy.  But the tree sure gets us in the Christmas mood and helps us to not forget our Christmas shopping.
Toddler-proof cap
Lula has been busy pulling every ornament within reach off the tree and scattering them about the house.  Are we surprised? No-this is why our trees are usually perched on a table.  If they weren't in use all over the house, we would have our baby gates surrounding the tree for extra protection.  When she isn't destroying the tree, she is destroying anything else she can get her little hands on.  Her absolute favorite thing to do is sneak off with Heidi's bottles.

Walking on the frozen pond
We've had freezing temperatures for the last several days.  Perhaps this is why I haven't been blogging.  My fingers are frozen stiff.  (Actually, Mark has been using my computer to digitize our DVD collection)  The wood stove has been running nonstop to keep the house warm and the kids have been sleeping downstairs.  The babies...and preschooler...and kindergartener...have been sleeping in our room with the space heater running.  I've seen rumors of snow on the National Weather Service website, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Heidi had her two week check up at the pediatrician this morning.  She is 9 lbs 10 oz, so she has gained her birth weight back nicely.  She was awake all night long last night.  Well, I don't know if that is exactly true, but it sure felt like it!  We are also starting back up with a full school day today.  Ian was finished with his school work by lunch-it's amazing what we NOT-morning people can accomplish when we put our minds to it.  Shane is chugging along with his math; triple digit multiplication after a long break can take a lot of focus!  I think I'm going to need another cup of coffee to get through the rest of the school day...