Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Camp Sheppard

Earlier this year, Shane worked really hard selling Cub Scout popcorn.  He earned a few prizes.  One was paying his dues for the year.  Another was a remote control car that was such low quality one of the front wheels wouldn't turn.  And the big prize, for us Downens, was a trip to Camp Sheppard for a winter camp out.
For most of the weekend, the weather was grey, wet, and rainy.  Some of the boys, who have looked forward to sledding all year, went home defeated.  Mark cheered Shane by teaching that although we look forward to certain things in life, many times we are disappointed.  This is when we need to find enjoyment in what we do have.  They enjoyed hiking, photography, and maps and compassing, as well as arts and crafts.  Their perseverance rewarded them with snowfall the last day they were there!

Shane got to go sledding after all!  There were two other boys on the hill that had the exact jacket as Shane, so Mark got some good pictures of other boys too... I could see that many moms shop at Costco for jackets!
Shane also got to participate in a chess tournament! We don't have access to a chess club or tournaments way out where we live, so this was so fun for him.  He made it to the semi-finals! 

This is what Shane says about his weekend:

"I had so much fun". I got to sled down the hill 13 times!"