Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ahhhh Autumn

Finally! Autumn! My second favorite time of year, after Spring. Funny, the weather is the same for both Spring and Autumn: grey, damp, and cold. But the way I spend my day is so different! In Spring I shed my woolly socks and sweaters and head outside to shiver on the porch in shorts with a blanket to keep off the chill. In Autumn, I put my woollies on and shiver under my blanket in my chair while sipping hot tea. The kids and I will be watching this Flaming Maple in our yard change this season.

F reviews Charlotte's Web: "It's a good book, I couldn't put it down. I devoured it in one sitting."Our first rainy afternoon, with our school work done. With all the kids I have, yes, we have more fighting, but we also have a whole lot more loving! There is always someone to gang up on or fight back with. Even My Pathetic Doberman gets in on the action. She wants to play with the kids so bad when they start wrestling, but she knows that I will yell at her, so she chews on her toys and sticks her face in the middle of the fighting. Today she got to be the ghost in the haunted house.